+612 8091 1735


The below information is confidential for registration purposes only and not disclosed to any party or persons other than Realty Guru Administration.

Fields Marked * are mandatory

Take a few moments to submit your registration and experience the savings and efficiency RGPM will bring to your business !

Great Benefits only from RGPM

Fully Functioning Dashboard

Trust Accounting with programmable Property Management Expenses

Full list of Reporting Features

Inspections and Apps

Adjustable Landload, Tenant, Staff and Principle Logins

To many features to list, 100% FREE for registered Real Estate and Strata clients.

Register Now on Realtyguru .

Property Management made easy


Work Type

Job Size

In case of National Business, please tick "National". Otherwise click "Service Area" and follow the instructions.

If you would like to use the call out fee function on your account please tick YES and add your call out fee amount in the field below, please note 10% of call out fee costs get invoiced to Realty Guru as commission

Call out Fee

Emergency Services*



Profile Picture


Please select atleast two services from the list.



  • A once off $300 deposit must be paid before registration can be completed and covers all set up costs including programming your service area, uploading any artwork and logo’s onto your account and several weeks of advertising. If your business completes more than $5,000 of work in 12 months this fee will not apply for your second year and is non refundable.
  • All clients acquired by Realty Guru marketing remain clients of Realty Guru during and after termination of this agreement. All access to work in progress will be given to Realty Guru for billing purposes. Realty Guru has the right to communicate with the clients under the name of the contractor for billing and administration purposes even after termination of this agreement until work in progress has been completed on those individual jobs.
  • All jobs are based on property addresses and not quote numbers or any other reference other than the address of the property. If a quote is accepted by the client after termination of this agreement and expiration of quote terms, the job remains valid and will incur commission to Realty Guru upon acceptance by the client.
  • Commission is paid to Realty Guru on job acceptance and not client payment. Realty Guru will invoice weekly for all go ahead jobs with seven (7) day payment terms. Realty Guru has the right to extend these payment terms if agreed to by Realty Guru with the contractor. If no agreements are made Realty Guru reserves the right to demand payment after seven (7) days.
  • Upon termination of this agreement all outstanding monies owed to Realty Guru will be paid within seven (7) days. Any accumulated work in progress invoices will be paid in full within seven (7) days from date of invoice by Realty Guru
  • After termination of this agreement Realty Guru has the right to contact all industry clients on behalf of other contractor clients for marketing purposes. Realty Guru will not engage in any slander or attempt to acquire any company information after all work in progress jobs have been completed.
  • All marketing material (except start up flyers), systems and intellectual property developed by Realty Guru for the contractor remain the property of Realty Guru during and after the termination of this agreement. The use of these systems and marketing material will be considered a breach of Realty Guru’s intellectual property rights and may result in a damages claim against the contractor unless permission is given by Realty Guru for its use.
  • All exclusive contractor email addresses will be maintained by Realty Guru after termination of this agreement to assist Realty Guru during the finalizing of all work in progress, this does not include Realty Guru’s company email addresses. Upon both parties agreeing to the completion of the work in progress Realty Guru will no longer use these email addresses and they will then remain the property of the contractor.
  • All administration phone/fax numbers and other Realty Guru contact information will remain the property of Realty Guru during and after termination of this agreement and can be used by Realty Guru for day to day company purposes with the clientele and any potential clientele
  • This contract is a twelve (12) month contract with on option of renewal at the end of the twelve (12) month period. This contract does not offer a trial or a cooling off period.
  • The contractor “will not target or do any work what so ever” for the clientele past and present in the Realty Guru system for a period of twelve (12) months after termination of this agreement
  • Realty Guru has the right to terminate this agreement on the basis of:
  • A. The contractor does not conduct his services in a professional manner
    B. The contractor does not provide the correct information required for the online system to properly service the clientele on a job by job basis.
    C. The contractor does not meet the service level agreements set out in the online system
    D. The contractor does not provide a high level of quality service to the clientele
    E. The contractor does not make his/hers weekly payments to Realty Guru as agreed in this contract.
    F. The contractor does not maintain a high level of presentation when servicing its clientele.
    G. The contractor’s staff are caught stealing from job sites.
    H. The contractor’s staff are seen to be on drugs or drinking alcohol during work hours.
    I. The contractor is doing work for any of the past or present clients outside the system or off the books.
    J. The contractor is involved in any way with a conflict of interests with Realty Guru.
    K. The contractor’s staff do not meet the above requirements in anyway.
    L. Or any other valid reason by Realty Guru that may jeopardize the future working relationship with its clientele.

Pro Tips

Password must not have spaces and is case sensitive

If you have forgotten your password click "Forgotten Password" and enter either your email address or your user name

Registrations can take up to 24 hours for Realty Guru Admin to check your information and authorise your account

Your account registration is for 12 months ONLY and must be renewed upon expiration of this term

All data information remains the responsibility of the user and should be backed up regularly

Mobile/Cellular numbers must have no spaces

All mandatory fields must have an entry or your registration will not submit